Adorable french bulldog puppies. They were born April 14th of AKC parents. This litter ha..
Apri registered with papers and full breeding rights included
Dew claws removed and tai..
Champion European bloodlines working class farm raised. Parents on site Both parents were..
Four month old fluffy frenchies who are looking for their forever home. AKC registered an..
Such a sweet loving little guy. He is just over 8 weeks old eating hard food drinking wat..
Tiny male chihuahua puppies Potty trained cute as can be 2 months old and ready for a for..
8 week old little baby boy.realy playful, almost potty trained sweet little guy already h..
I have a Yorkie Chihuahua mix for sale. he’s 11 weeks old. he’s been dewormed and has..
Champion European bloodlines working class farm raised. Parents on site Both parents were..
Chihuahua Jack Russell terrier mix little over a week old xxxxxxxxxx..
Lovely puppy girl - Harper. Potty trained & well behaved. Looking for a quiet home...
1 adorable female puppy available. She has been dewormed and recieved first shots...
Male Chihuaha puppy. he is very outgoing and loves to cuddle. he is good with kids and al..
I own the sire and dame which are both on site. Both Akc registered champions. Raised wit..
Female Chihuaha puppy. She is very outgoing and loves to cuddle. She is good with kids an..
We have 2 girls and 4 boys born november 7th and 8th...
Beautiful Chihuahua Puppies for Adoption with health certificate, very good health, playf..
I have to female papillon Chihuahua pomeranian pups they're both light colored brown, one..
Mini Golden Doodles puppies.
Buy one get second one for $450
The daddy is mixed Jack Ru..
Snowball is all white with a couple of very light tan colored spots he is friendly loving..
Chi/Weenies ready to go to their forever homes. They will be 8 weeks on December 17th and..
I have one male tri colored brown and two females fawn colored the father is purbred deer..
Hi I have 4 male Chihuahua puppies and 3 female Chihuahua puppies they were born on Oct-2..
We have the best basenjis out there. I have 3 different blood lines. I have had basenjis ..
Hello I have 2 females and 2 male Chihuahua puppies that were born on Oct-18-2021 they ar..
10 week old female chihuahua terrier puppies they are the cutest little things ever!!!! T..
Adorable twin chihuahuas, the only way to really tell them apart, is one single stripe go..
3 year old 6 lbs Chihuahua. She is very sweet and a great companion. She needs a quiet la..
We have the best basenjis out there. I have three different bloodlines. I've had to send ..
Ready a week before Christmas. We have 2 females and 2 males available. Dad is importred,..
Son cachorros amigable juguetones les gusta los nin̈os son muy fuertes..
4 Male Golden Retrievers in Bloomington, Indiana! They have papers, shots and have been d..