Piper had her puppies and has 3 red boy available . Mom is red and weighs 9lbs and dad is..
Uk bloodline AKC registered French bulldog puppies. 2 boys 1 girl . Parents are both arou..
Beautiful 11 week old females. High prey and hunt drive. KNPV blood line. Parents are on ..
Due to no fault of her own, this beautiful puppy was scheduled to go to her new home, how..
Akc chihuahua puppies! Long coat. 2 all white boys, a chocolate tri girl and a chocolate ..
9week old male chihuahua yorkie mix super sweet will be around 10lbs..
She is a little brown and white chihuahua and is very friendly with other dogs and kids s..
6 week old black and tan puppies ready for new home .
Call Denny at xxx-xxx-xxxx..
Beautiful 11 week old females. High prey and hunt drive. KNPV blood line. Parents are on ..
Amazing litter , boys and girls, looking for they 5* family homes only. Puppies can be..
These four handsome little fellas are 5th generation pedigree Chihuahua puppies.
They ..
I have 1 male Chiweenie puppy. Chihuahua, Dachshund mix. Very sweet playful and loving. R..
Adorable chihuahuas for sale. Boys are five hundred dollars and girls are six hundred dol..
Beautiful Cavapoo puppies. Males and Females. Looking for their furever home. Dob 11-19-2..
These are chihuahua/ corgi mix breed I'm trying to pre-sell them as fast as I can. As soo..
Born 2/26/23, up to date on immunization. Not from a puppy mill, but from a couple sneaky..
Born 2/26/23, up to date on immunization. Not from a puppy mill, but from a couple of sne..
She is so smart just like mom I have one left she is white with brown spots! Working on p..
Great Pyr/ Rottie pups ready to go to their new homes on Valentines Day!
6 boys and 4 g..
Deer head 2 years old need gone I help rescue dogs then sell them..
Very loving that docile temperament. One Male (white brown) and female (white black) jack..
Chihuahua mixed with jack Russell terrier. Dear head brown male, Dear head brown girl, on..
Adorable Chihuahua puppies needs a home. ,super curious about everything, loves playing w..
8 weeks olds this Sunday. Smart, gorgeous and intelligent puppies❣️
All puppies have..
5 months old female Chihuahua. Purebred no AKC papers. Just spayed, all shots current, us..
47 week old female chiuahua mix puppies
3 beige and one blk and brown just in time for e..
This loving little guy is looking for his forever home. Loves lap naps. Please contact me..
9wk male Chihuahua
1st series shots and wormer
Potty trained
Comes with carrier foo..
I have 1 female and 3 males available now will be 8 weeks old on Tuesday! Beautiful and p..
Beautiful Old English Bulldogs for Christmas, nice size and color makes and female puppie..
I have 3 Beautiful Akita Puppies for sale! They are 2 months old and very lovable. I am l..
Hi, this sweet boy's name is S'mores. He's 5 weeks old. He'll be available starting Decem..