Sweet male Cavapoo puppy for sale. He is kind and smart and is absolutely overjoyed when he sees his people. Purchased from a great breeder, his mom is an 18lb Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and dad is a 13 pound poodle. He is up to date with all vaccinations, including Bordetella & Rabies and has a clean bill of health from the vet and all health records will be provided. He also attended puppy Kindergarten and was the friendliest dog there, the trainer called him the "social coordinator" of the class. We brought this friendly pup into our home with our 10 year old female terrier and she has not done well with another dog in the house. It breaks our heart but it is not fair to either of them. He is friendly, she is stressed. This little guy loves kids, adults and other dogs, and wants to greet everyone he sees on a walk. He will come with food, dog dishes, crate, toys, bed, harness and leash. Looking for a loving, new home to match his personality. Would be great to have a local owner to Southcentral WI. His DOB is 12/22/21.