Recently Adopted Cavapoo Puppies Near Tennessee
Cavapoo female
Sweet F1B Cavapoo female puppy ready for new home! She is very sweet and loving. DOB 2-12-24. She has been vet checked and had her 1st shots. Both parents are on site. Mom is a Cavapoo and dad is mini poodle. She should be approximately 15 lbs full grown. Thanks.View Detail
Beautiful Cavapoo
Jack is a beautiful tricolored Kapoo have cavalier, King Charles and poodle. Jack is five months old. Jack is doing great with potty training. Loves to be outside. It is with heavy hearts that we have made this decision to find Jack a new home. However, I believe there is a family who would like to have him and take care of him. Jack sleeps all night in his crate. He’s a really sweet baby.View Detail
Cavapoo puppies
Only two females left. Already dewormed, ready for their forever home. Good with animals and other pets. Sited for small apartments or large homes. They are also non shedding Cavapoo. Price is per pup. Text and serious lovers of pets only.View Detail
Lovely Cavapoo Puppies
Only two left one girl and one boy both are very playful and active they love being involved in the family home they are vet checked and vaccinated and sadly fully independent from mum and growing up into beautiful animals they are now ready for their new family's if interested send us ur email or number for details.View Detail
Cavapoo Puppies
We have both parents… dad is a cavapoo and mother is a shihpoo… 6 puppies born on Jan 10th… 3 male and 3 female… contact me at xxxxxxxxxx if interestedView Detail
SOLD SOLD/Cavapoo female Scarlett
Scarlett is an F1B cavapoo she is hypoallergenic and was born on 12/21/2023. She is from a litter of 4. DNA paternity test performed bc 2 dads got to my poodle. Paternity test revealed that Scarlett and her sister Stormy are the offspring of my F1 cavapoo Midnight. and the other 2 sisters are AKC miniature poodles from my Red poodle sire Gator. She will be ready for her forever home after Feb.8th. Perfect precious girl who is content to play alone or with other dogs and kids. Under foot in my home will come up to date on shots and wormings. Please email or text for any questions.View Detail
SOLD///////////F1B-/CAVAPOO/ West TN female
This is stormy. She is located in WEST TN. She was born 12/21/2023. She is an F1B cavapoo.She is hypoallergenic and doesn't shed as much as a regular F1 CAVAPOO. I own her parents, and grandparents. Stormy Would be a great pet all around.She is playful but calm. She wants to be held or in your lap. She is a little spoiled to sleeping in my bed. She comes with a puppy health guarantee. She is up to date on all vaccines and dewormersView Detail
Toy Australian Shepherds
Sweet pups three are 2 girls and 5 boy. Ready for their forever adventure with you. ASDR and CKC but breeding rights are too be discussed.UTD on vaccines and vet checked all paperwork comes with them for vetting and vaccines. Will be microchipped as well before leaving. From 2 litters reds born Feb 18th and Black Tri and BM born March 7th. Reds from 9lb RM and 12lb BT parents. BT and BM from 12 and 14lb parents. All geneticly clear parents. White faced are mismarks not double Merles. Tris start at 800 BET 1000 and Merles are 1200.View Detail
Cavapoo female pup for sale 14 weeks old
Cavapoo female 14 weeks old adorable , playful tan with white hilightsView Detail
Cute Cavapoo Puppies
I have a stunning tiny 11 week old male and Female Cavapoo puppies looking for a new home. they have a lovely personality ....View Detail
Beautiful cavapoo babies
Beautiful cavapoo babies, just in time for Christmas! Hyper allergenic and none shedding. First shotsView Detail
Precious CKC cavapoo puppies
Born June 8th and ready to go August 3rd. CKC registered and will be on the smaller side as the mama is 12lbs and the daddy is 15lbs. Both parents are F1 Cavapoos so these puppies are F2. 3 girls and 1 boy. Already prespoiled. Will have first shots and be dewormed. Text xxx-xxx-xxxx.View Detail
Arley & Astrid females
She will come CKC Registered, up to date on vaccinations, dewormed, Veterinarian examination, liter box trained and very loved on/played with by my 3 girls. Her mom is a 12lbs black and tan Cavalier King Charles spaniel and Dad is a 6lb cream toy poodle. We are asking $1500 per pup with a $200 non refundable deposit that will be applied to the asking price to hold the pup until it’s 8 weeks old. If you have any questions please contact me at xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
Asher & Ace males
He will come CKC Registered, utd on vaccinations, dewormed, Veterinarian examination, liter box trained and very loved on/played with by my 3 girls. mom is a 12lbs black & tan CKCS, Dad is a 6lb cream toy poodle. We are asking $1500 per pup with a $200 non refundable deposit that will be applied to the asking price to hold the pup until it’s 8 weeks old. If you have any questions please contact me at xxxxxxxxxxxView Detail
Toy cavapoo needs new home
Very sweet little girl 7 weeks love kids very playful. Not potty trained or crate trained very healthy. Eats Hill Science Diet. Comes with bed harness, blanket,Crate, Toys and etc.View Detail
Cavapoo puppy’s
Beautiful Cavapoo baby’s ready for their forever home 4/1. Vet checked, wormed, 1st shots. Text xxx-xxx-xxxx or email xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail
Cavapoo Puppy’s
3 precious cavapoo males. Available 4/1/2023 Loving, sweet and fun personality. Vet checked, wormed twice and 1st shot Or text xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Cavapoo Puppies
Dad is 10lb and mom is 15lb this is both their first litter both parents are happy healthy dog that visits the vet twice a year. They are up to date on shots and eat royal canine food. Their litter comes with 1st set of shots, medical records, deworming, and I already had there dewclaws removed.View Detail
Cavapoo puppies
These Cavapoo's was born 12/28 and will be ready for forever home on March 8th. Contact for info I wam will to do a payment plan to help you bring one of these fur babies home. Located in Memphis TN.View Detail
Cavapoo puppies 8 weeks old CKC registerable
I have 2 black boy cavapoos with white patches left. Mom is a mini red toy poodle 10lbs. Dad is a tri- Cavalier king charles spaniel. 14 lbs.both mom and dad are dual registered with AKC and CKC papers. Pups have litter registration papers with CKC designer breed.if you wish to register them. They were born on 12-07-22 and are ready now. Pups come with 1 year health guarantee. You can contact me by e-mail, phone, or text for more info. I do not ship at this time. I am willing to drive up to 60 miles to meet you.xxxxxxxxxx. xxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail
Locations Where Cavapoo Puppies are Available in Tennessee
Davidson County, Knox County, Sevier County, Coffee County, Washington County, Brentwood, Hamilton County, Blount County, Cumberland County, Weakley County, Dickson County, Madison County, Shelby County, Montgomery County, Lincoln County, Perry County, Memphis, Chattanooga, Madisonville, Nashville, Clarksville