Recently Adopted Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Puppies Near Waynesboro
9 Week Old Cavalier King Charles
Beautiful Cavalier King Charles with a very cute face! Both parents are registered and she was purchased from an experienced breeder. Very sweet and cuddly girl! She love’s attention, sitting on your lap and will play whenever you want to. She is curious and likes to be outside. She is doing so well on the leash and in her crate. We have 2 daughters one who is 6 and the puppy does fantastic with her. They play together every day and the puppy loves to take naps on her lap. Unfortunately, my youngest who is 1 needed up being allergic to dogs. Sad for us since we really wanted another family dog after our first passed away from cancer at 12. We are re-homing the puppy for a fee to recoup some of the funds (this breed is expensive and harder to come by) along with toys, a bed, leash and collar, food, crate, etc. She has already been to the vet for a wellness check (paperwork available) and has gotten parvo, deworming, 2 DHPP vaccinations, and 1 bordetella. xxxxxxxxxxView Detail