Recently Adopted Bullmastiff Puppies Near Valdosta
5 month old Bullmastiff
Needing to rehome a Bull Mastiff puppy. She was born September 2nd of 2021. Currently UTD on all shots, microchipped, has not be fixed, have all vet records. No worms, very healthy dog. She’s very friendly, gets along with other people, children and dogs. She is currently a little over 50 pounds and will get up to 115-125 fully grown. She does not have papers but can be registered. I have pictures of parents She needs a bigger home with a fenced in yard and current owners are just wanting the best life for her. She’s a sweet & very cuddly pup She will come with an XL kennel (48”) and a personalized collar she will grow into. Her name is Zahra. She does know the “kennel” command, potty trained (except for when she gets excited she does tinkle a little, but she is still a puppy and will grow out of that) and is crate trained. Current owners are asking to have a house visit to make sure she will be in a good home.View Detail