Recently Adopted Brussels Griffon Puppies Near Gila County
4 Month old Male Brussels Griffon Puppy. His Mother is Registered CKC full Brussels and his dad is 1/2 AKC Brussels and 1/2 AKC Pug which is a Brussel Pug or "Brug". He has had all of his puppy shots including his rabies. He comes with a Health Certificate from my Vetanarian. His dew claws are done. I have both Parents on site. He has had his first grooming. He is foing well with potty training. He is used to other dogs as I have 2 other Brussels besides the parents. I have been raising Brussels for 12 years in my loving home. This little boy I call Chewy was hand picked for my cousin In Colorado because of his sweet temperament, sadly she became ill and is not able to care for a puppy at this time. I would love for him to go to a home with at least another small dog because he plays well with other dogs. Serious inquiries only please.View Detail
Brussels Griffon
This little fellow I call TINY because he is really small compared to his litter mates. He could be a pocket puppy. He is 12 weeks old and only 5 lbs. He is 3/4 Brussels Griffon and 1/4 Pug. He looks 100% like a full Brussels. He is looking for a loving family. He is so sweet and would make a wonderful companion. He is up to date on shots and worming from the Vet and shot records. Has had a healthy checkup. He is a rough coat that is super soft. I have both parents.He comes from a loving family that has tailed Brussels for 12 years.View Detail
Brussels Griffon
Lucy is a Brussel Griffon Pug Mix. Her mother is CKC Registered Brussels Griffon and his dad is 1/2 AKC registered Brussels Griffon and Pug. Which make her 3/4 Brussels and 1/4 Pug or called Brugs. Lucy takes on the look of a Brussels and she loves to play with her litter mates and can keep up with the bigger siblings. Lucy has had her dew claws removed. Has had her 1st shot, worming and Vet check. She will be 8 weeks old on 2-21-23. At that point she will have had her second round of shots and be ready for a new home. Lucy comes from a private home that has raised Brussel Griffons for 12 years.View Detail
Brussels Griffon
Tucker's mother is CKC Registered Brussels Griffon and his dad is 1/2 AKC registered Brussels Griffon and 1/2 Pug. Which make him 3/4 Brussels and 1/4 Pug or called Brugs. Tucker takes on the look of a Brussels and is his owner's favorite of the litter because of his amazing coloring. He loves to play with his litter mates and is super loving. Tucker has had his dew claws removed. Has had his 1st and 2nd shots, worming and Vet check. He is 9 weeks old. Tucker comes from a private home that has raised Brussel Griffons for 12 years.View Detail
Brussels Griffon
Tuffy is Brussel Griffon Pug Mix. His mother is CKC Registered Brussels Griffon and his dad is 1/2 AKC registered Brussels Griffon and Pug. Which make him 3/4 Brussels and 1/4 Pug or called Brugs. Tuffy takes on the look of a Brussels and was the largest of his litter. He loves to play with his litter mates and his toys. Tuffy has had his dew claws removed. Has had his 1st shot, worming and Vet check. He will be 8 weeks old on 2-21-23. At that point he will have had his second round of shots and be ready for a new home. Tuffy comes from a private home that has raised Brussel Griffons for 12 years.View Detail