Recently Adopted Brittany Puppies Near Charlton
Brittany puppies for sale
AKC registered brittany puppies for sale 3 males and 1 female. White and orange ready for pickup June 5th.View Detail
I have 4 Brittany puppies that were born on Easter Sunday. I have 4 males and 1female. I have registered the litter with the AKC. I am asking 950.00 for males and 1000.00 for female. Serious inquires only. You can contact me at xxx-xxx-xxxx ask for Dawna or Billy. Parents are on site. They are called Winston(kinda looks like churchill). The brothers Grr, Grimace and Growler (don't let their names fool you). The female l call Lucy(or red). I don't recommend them for apartments they are birders and they need to run. They're a wonderful addition to a family. They have lots of energy and will bring years of loyalty love and laughter to their new family.View Detail
Registered Brittany's
4 AKC registered Brittany puppies for sale.3 males 1 female, this is not the breed you want if you are interested in protection. Brittany's are not an aggressive breed. They are loyal and lovable. They are a pointer, they are bird dogs. The males are Winston, Growler,and Grim. The female is red. I am hoping that anyone interested is familiar with the breed. They have champion bloodlines and will come with certificate and registration papers. I am asking 900 for the males and 1000 for the female. The photos are in order of their names.View Detail