Bluetick Coonhound Puppies For Sale in Elizabeth, Elbert County, Colorado
If you're looking to buy or adopt a Bluetick Coonhound puppy, you've come to the right place! Our Bluetick Coonhound Puppies are available for sale in Elizabeth, Elbert County, Colorado.
Price Range
The price of a Bluetick Coonhound Puppy can vary based on several factors, including lineage and breeder reputation. In general, you can expect to pay between $500 to $1,500 for a healthy and well-bred puppy. It’s vital to ensure that you are working with a certified and quality breeder when making your purchase.
Size and Weight
Bluetick Coonhounds are known for their athletic build and agility. Typically, an adult Bluetick Coonhound will weigh between 45 to 100 pounds and reach a height of 21 to 27 inches at the shoulder. Puppies will generally be smaller, but they will grow quickly!
Available Colors
Bluetick Coonhound Puppies usually come in a beautiful array of colors. They are most commonly seen in blue and black with mottled and spotted patterns. Other variations may also include tri-color combinations. Choose the color that speaks to you and your home!
Find Your Perfect Puppy
If you're interested in finding the perfect Bluetick Coonhound Puppies for sale near you, check out our listings above for more information:
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out via email at
Start your journey to owning a quality, AKC certified Bluetick Coonhound Puppy today!