Birds For Sale in Hale County, Alabama
Looking to buy or adopt a feathered friend? You're in the right place! At PetzLover, we list a variety of Birds for sale in Hale County, Alabama, helping you connect with certified breeders and pet shops to get quality pets.
Price Range of Birds in Hale County
The price of birds can vary based on the breed, age, and health status. Generally, you can expect to pay anywhere from $50 to $1500 for a bird, depending on its species and pedigree. On our website, you’ll find competitive pricing and great options to ensure you get the best for your budget.
Birds Size, Weight, and Available Colors
In Hale County, Alabama, we offer a variety of birds that come in different sizes and weights:
- Small: Lovebirds - Average weight: 50g - Colors: Green, Yellow, Blue.
- Medium: African Grey Parrots - Average weight: 400g - Colors: Grey, Red Tail.
- Large: Macaws - Average weight: 900-1300g - Colors: Blue, Green, Yellow.
These birds not only vary in size and weight but also in beautiful colors, providing an array of choices to fit your aesthetic and companionship needs.
Find Your Perfect Bird
Check out our featured listings of birds available in the Hale County area:
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact us. We're here to help you find your next feathered companion!