Recently Adopted Bichonpoo Puppies Near Milton
13 week old Bichon poo puppy for sale
13 week old puppy for sale. Medical reasons keep me from taking care of her. She's 9 lb not expected to gain but one or two more. She has been vet checked , her shots all up to date She has had Heartworm pill and flea pill call xxx-xxx-xxxx thank youView Detail
13 week old female Bichon poo puppy for sale
13 week old fish on poo puppy for sale up to date on all shots has been the armed has had a free pill and endure good disposition have a medical condition that is keeping me from taking good care of my puppy Pictures upon request phone xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Small female Bichon poo puppy for sale
Cute female puppy all shots are up to date she has been warmed has had her flea pill heartworm pill and then get checkedView Detail