Recently Adopted Bichonpoo Puppies Near Broward County
Bichonpoo for sale
Marshmallow is a 1.5 year old bichonpoo. He is super friendly and active! I can no longer care for him and am looking for a loving home for him to go to.View Detail
1 year old Bichapoo
Half poodle half bichon. Weighs 6 pounds. He has all his vaccines. Selling him because owner has a fractured back and cannot give him all the love he diserves. He is fully trained, extremely smart and affectionate. He learns quickly. He can walk on his two back legs six steps forward and make two full circles before he gets a treat. He loves people and other animals. He is very healthy and can be vegetarian if needed. Spent $4,500 on him, and willing to let him go to a loving home for $1500.View Detail
Sweet Male Bichonpoo Puppy For Sale
Very cute playful 4month old make Bichonpoo puppy Apricot/white color. Has all puppy shots is vet checked. Microchipped and pee pad trained learning to go outside. He is very smart knows a few commands. Full grown about 10 -12lbs. Answers to Jax. He is looking for his forever home. Local buyers only.View Detail
This pup is one year old, fully trained. Is full of love and energy.
Fun loving happy very healthy loving affectionate puppy. Trained, new cage , leash and toys included. Can be bred, all paperwork included.View Detail
Puppy needs new home
“Micheu” is a very handsome, intelligent, sweet, loving, energetic 1 1/2 year old neutered male. He loves, other dogs, not so much cats! He loves car rides, going for walks , going to the doggie park. I am looking for someone or a family who will play with him and take him with them when they go somewhere. I taught him to “sit” “down” “stay” “speak” “leave it”, “no”. He’ very smart! He needs a fenced in backyard to run in, that is a must. SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY PLEASE!!! I will need references and be able to see your home. Please text me and I will call you back. Thanks and look forward to meeting you.View Detail
Locations Where Bichonpoo Puppies are Available in Broward County
Tamarac, Pompano Beach, Coconut Creek, Coral Springs, Fort Lauderdale