Recently Adopted Bichon Frise Puppies Near Bell County
Bella needs a home
She’s the perfect lapdog and loves getting attention from anybody. She’s calm and collected ,but loves to play as well. Also a great family dog! I know we sure love her and needs a good proper home that will love her as much as we do.View Detail
Bichon Frise will be ready to go home Oct 1
2 male Bichon Frise puppies born July 29th. They will be able to go to their forever home Oct 1st. All have wonderful dispositions and love to cuddle. Male 1 is the largest and first born. Loves to be pet and just hang out. Male 2 is a great observer and very calm. They all have been just a joy. You can text me at xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Bichon Frise Puppies Available For Sale $400
checked,wormed,flea treated registered, great bloodlines. All breeding dogs are DNA `tested, and health All breeding dogs are DNA tested, and health cleared. gorgeous sable and male and female puppies ONLY call or TEXT us at ******* (xxx) xxx-xxx2 ***** gorgeous sable and male and female puppies for more information if your willing to give my babies a home okay thanksView Detail