Recently Adopted Bernese Mountain Dog Puppies Near Riverside
PureBred Bernese Mtn. Dog Litter
We have a new litter of Bernese Mountain Dogs puppies that are being sold on FULL AKC Registration for $1200. They were born on 12/04/17 and will be 8 weeks on 01/30/18. They will come with a puppy starter kit and microchip and their shots and deworming will be up to date. I have the whole litter listed here, for more pictures of them contact me at xxx-xxx-xxxx or email me at . The pictures here are in this order, there should be two of each. Benjie, Jasmine, Juan, Antonio, Jonah, Ernest, Rosamie.View Detail
Race Greater Swiss / Bernese Hybrid
Race is a Bernese Mtn. Dog / Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Hybrid who was born on 11/18/17 and will be available on 01/13/18. He will have the longer coat similiar to the Berner. He is available for $1100. He will come with a puppy starter kit and microchip. His shots and deworming will be up to date. Please contact us at xxx-xxx-xxxx or Detail
Camila Purebred Bernese Mountain Dog
Camila is a Purebred Bernese Mountain Dog that was born on 10/01/17 and is available for $1000. She will come with a Microchip and Puppy Starter Kit. Her shots and Deworming will be up to date. She is a Sweety. Please contact us at xxx-xxx-xxxx or Detail
Mason Greater Swiss / Berner Hybrid
Mason is a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog / Bernese Mountain Dog Hybrid. He was born on 10/01/17 and is available for $750. He will come with a puppy starter kit and microchip. His shots and deworming will be up to date. Looking for a home for Christmas. Please contact us at xxx-xxx-xxxx or Detail
Danny Greater Swiss / Berner Hybrid
Danny is a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog / Bernese Mountain Dog Hybrid who will have the short hair similiar to the Greater Swiss. He was born on 10/01/17 and is available for $7500. He will come with a puppy starter kit and micrchip and he shots and deworming will be up to date. Please contact us at xxx-xxx-xxxx or Detail
Sandra Greater Swiss / Berner Hybrid
Sandra is a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog / Bernese Mountain Dog Hybrid who was born on 10/11/17 and is available for $900. She will come with a puppy starter kit and microchip. Her shots and deworming will be up to date. Please contact us at xxx-xxx-xxxx or Detail
Carter Greater Swiss / Berner Hybrid
Carter is a male Greater Swiss Mountain Dog / Bernese Mountain Dog Hybrid who was born on 11/11/17 and is available for $900. He will come with a puppy starter kit and microchip. His shots and deworming will be up to date. Please contact us at xxx-xxx-xxxx or or xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx puppies. He is looking for his forever home, don't let him get away.View Detail
Nick Purebred Bernese Mountain Dog
Nick is a purebred Bernese Mountain Dog who was born on 11/25/17 and is available for $1200 on 01/20/18. He will come with a microchip and his shots and deworming will be up to date. Please contact us at xxx-xxx-xxxx or Detail
Joy Purebred Bernese Mountain Dog
Joy is a female purebred Bernese Mountain Dog that was born on 11/25/17 and will be 8 weeks old on 01/20/18 and is available for $1300. Her shots and deworming will be up to date and she will have a microchip. Please contact us at xxx-xxx-xxxx or xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail
Purebred Bernese Mountain Dog Joy
Joy is a female purebred Bernese Mountain Dog that was born on 11/25/17 and will be 8 weeks old on 01/20/18 and is available for $1300. Her shots and deworming will be up to date and she will have a microchip. Please contact us at xxx-xxx-xxxx or Don't let her get away....she is looking for her forever home. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Please contact us at xxx-xxx-xxxx or Detail
Joseph Purebred Bernese Mountain Dog
Joseph is a purebred Bernese Mountain Dog born on 11/25/17 who is available for $1200 on 01/20/18. He will come with a mirochip and his shots and deworming will be up to date. If interested please contact us at xxx-xxx-xxxx or Detail
Christopher Purebred Bernese Mountain Dog
Christopher is a purebred Bernese Mountain Dog who was born on 11/25/17 and will be 8 weeks old on 01/20/18. His shots and deworming will be up to date and he will have a microchip. He is being sold on FULL AKC Registration. Please contact us at xxx-xxx-xxxx or Detail
Axel Bernese Mtn. Dog / Swiss Mtn. Dog Hybrid
Axel is a Bernese Mountain Dog / Swiss Mountain Dog Hybrid who was born on 05/30/17 and is available now for $1000. He will have the slightly longer hair, a little longer than a Swissy. He will come with a puppy starter kit and microchip. His shots and deworming will be up to date. Please call at xxx-xxx-xxxx or email Please visit our web site at the address below: Detail
Hazel Greater Swiss Mountain Dog / Bernese Mountain Dog Hybrd
Hazel is a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog / Bernese Mountain Dog Hybrid who was born on 05/30/17 and is available for $1200. She will have a puppy starter kit and microchip and her shots and deworming will be up to date. Please call at xxx-xxx-xxxx or email Please visit our web site at the address below: Detail
Robert Bernerdoodle (Berner/Poodle Hybrid)
Robert is a Bernese Mtn. Dog / Standard Poodle Hybrid who was born on 06/30/17 and will be available to a new home on 08/25/17 for $1200. He will come with a puppy starter kit and microchip. His shots and deworming will also be up to date. please visit our web site and face book at the below links, you may have to cut and paste. and Detail
larry is sold
Larry is a Bernese Mountain Dog Hybrid who was born on 04/08/17 and is available for $900. His shots and de-worming will be up to date, and he will come with a puppy starter kit and microchip. Please email us at or call at xxx-xxx-xxxx. Also visit our website and the address listed below Detail
Brett is sold
Brett is a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog / Bernese Mountain Dog Hybrid who will have the slightly longer hair, longer than a Swissy, but shorter than a Berner. He will come with a puppy starter kit and microchip. His shots and deworming will be up to date. Feel free to email me at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xx or call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx. Please check out our face book at the address below: Also check out our webpage at the below address: Detail