Recently Adopted Bernedoodle Puppies Near Indianapolis
Adorable puppy
5 week old puppies adorable an sweet ready soon for there forever homeView Detail
Huggable an loveable
Sweet an happy just in time for easter have first shots an wormed text or call xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
Bernedoodle Puppies
We have a litter of F2 Bernedoodle puppies that were born 5/11/22. Mom is a2 year old F1 Bernedoodle and Dad is also almost 2 and an F1 Bernedoodle as well. Mom weighing 55lbs and Dad roughly 75 lbs. Both are great family dogs and live with large families with small children. This breed is hypoallergenic and shedding is very minimal around the time they need groomed. We have 6 pups left -3 girls and 3 boys. price varies due to different markings. We have one female piebald, 3 male tri-colored, 2 female tri location: near indianapolis, IN non-refundable deposit of $750 to hold. Puppies ready by week of July 4, 2022 Pricing between x,xxx-x,xxx please contact Ej Cripe xxx-xxx-xxxx with additional questionsView Detail
Mini Bernadoodle Puppy
Miley is a very great puppy! She is hypoallergenic! Her birthday is January 1st. She is very friendly & sweet!She has had a lot of love & attention from us & will make a great addition for a family! She is ready for her home now!View Detail
Mini Bernadoodle Puppy
Sam is a very great puppy! His birthday is January 1st. He is hypoallergenic! He is very friendly & sweet! He has had a lot of love & attention from us & will make a great addition for a family! Sam is ready for his home now!View Detail
Mini Bernadoodle puppy
Gunner is a very great puppy! He is hypoallergenic! He is very friendly & sweet!Hos birthfay is January 1st. He has had a lot of love & attention from us & will make a great addition for a family! Gunner is ready for his home now!View Detail
Mini Bernadoodle
Addie is a very great puppy! She was born on January 1st. She is hypoallergenic! She is very friendly & sweet!She has had a lot of love & attention from us & will make a great addition for a family! She is ready for her home now!View Detail
9 month old girl bernedoodle
Selling Her because I just don’t have the time and space she needs. She a good girl loves kids and other dogs. She loves to cuddle super smart to smart. Please feel free to contact me xxx-xxx-4O15. She’s black with a little white I did the DNA dog test you can see her breed.View Detail
11 Month old Bernedoodle Puppy
Her Name is Molly. She is affectionate, loyal, smart and still very much puppy. She is crate trained and will used a raised puppy pad. She has had one round of obedience/puppy class. We have had some significant life changes with health and job that are unfortunately a priority right now. Molly needs more than we can presently give her and we want her to have a great home. We paid $850 for her. She is up to date on all shots. Better pictures can be taken if you are a serious inquiryView Detail