Recently Adopted Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois) Puppies Near Poway
Rehoming 4 months old Belgian Malinois puppy!!
This is Loki, he is very sweet and playful. He is a4 and half month old Belgian Malinois pup. He is up to date on all his shots, dewormed, and chipped. He will come with all his medical records, his kennel, his bed, toys, and some food/snacks. He is potty trained, he is also trained to sit, lay down, paw, etc. He is a very good boy, very active and loves to run and play around. My husband is currently deployed and I’m not in the right state to take care of him, and be able to continue his training. Please message me if you this Loki will be a good fit for you. Serious inquiries only.View Detail