Recently Adopted Basenji Puppies Near Berkeley
male and female Basenji puppies for adoption
basenji puppies pets lovers we have a litter of 6 puppies which are ready for their xxxx.xx (xxx)-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Basenji Female Puppies Purebred
Pups are vaccinated up-to-date, wormed regularly, micro chipped, started on monthly flea/heartworm treatment and come with Info Sheets before they leave for their new homes. Prefer pick up but delivery can be arranged . Pups are raised in family home. text at (xxx)-xxx-xxxxView Detail
12 weeks old Basenji puppies for rehoming
well socialized, pre-spoiled Basenji pups.All of our puppies for good home come with a one year health guarantee, vet checked, age appropriate vaccinations, declaws, a portfolio of photos of the puppies plus lot of info on your new puppies, and a puppy pack of goodies for your new furbaby including a bag of food that our puppies were eating while with us, some treats, a homemade blanket, some of the puppies favorite toys and sibling scents rubbed on the puppies so puppies have a familiar scent while making the transition to your home. contact with you phone number for easy adoption process. text at (xxx)-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Akc Male And Female Basenji Puppies For Adoption
(Contact with your valid phone number) text only at (xxx)-xxx-xxxx Hi everyone, I have a darling male and female Basenji puppies looking for a new home. They are a stunning little boy and girl, cute and sweet, and also very intelligent and loving. ~will sit by your feet all day long! They are ready for her new home. They will grow up to 4.5lbs,. all shots are current and they are wonderful puppies for you to miss. These pups can keep your home excited all day as long as you show them love and care. They have an excellent temperament and personality towards humans and kids. If interested, contact us if you are interestedView Detail
potty trained Basenji puppies
home and potty trained Basenji puppies home and potty trained Basenji puppies home and potty trained Basenji puppies home and potty trained Basenji puppies text us at (xxx)-xxx-xxxxView Detail