Recently Adopted Australian Shepherd Puppies Near Juneau County
AussiePom puppies (toy)
There are 3 in this litter. Thelma is a sable tri $750, Louise is a red tri $650 and Al Poochino is black parti $550. Their mom is 100% Miniature American Shepherd (Formerly known as mini aussies). She is a black tri with rich copper points. Her dad is 100% Pomeranian, dark chocolate in color & has an amazing double coat! I can\'t wait to see how this litter turns out! Parents are pictured. Puppies will be vet checked, dewormed multiple times & have 2 sets of puppy vaccines before they leave. Both parents have been health tested and Puppies will come with a 1yr written health guarantee. They will also come with a generous puppy take home pack. They will be 8 weeks old on Monday, August 12th. Transportation is the responsibility of the buyer. I do not deliver, but I can meet you somewhere public in the direction you\'re coming from and take some time off your drive. I frequently get out to xxxx and will be planning a trip to Coloma & Madison after the puppies are ready to go &I can bring the puppy with me. Message to discuss. No shipping! No 3rd party sales! You must pick up your puppy in person! If the puppy is being sold for $1000 & up, I ask for a $300 deposit. If they\'re being sold for under $1000 then I ask for $200. The rest is due in cash in full at time of pick up. As with most breeders, my deposits are non-refundable. Please make sure you are ready to commit before sending deposit money. Absolutely no holds without a deposit. No exceptions! Thank you so very much for browsing! I\'m happy my puppy caught your eye! Please let me know if you have any questions.View Detail
Red tri & merles M&F
Born on Christmas Christmas day. Ready now! Vet checked, current on shots, dewormed. Comes with puppy take home pack. Females: Merle $1200 Tri $1000 Males: Merle $900 Tri $700 \xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail