Recently Adopted American Pit Bull Terrier Puppies Near Washoe County
Male pitbull puppy
Red nose pit, 3 months Very playful and sweet & is good with kidsView Detail
Pit bull puppies for sale
We have 3 pups left from a litter of 10. 1 female, 2 male. They were born xx/xx/xxxx. 9 weeks old now. The Momma dog is a2 year old, small brownish/tan American Staffordshire Terrier with a white patch on her chest. The Pappa is a medium sized Red Nose American Pit Bull Terrier, White with brown/tan patches. This was mommas first and only litter. All 10 pups were born healthy with no complications. The momma did wean the pups early at 6 weeks. We put them on dry puppy food and supplimented with bottle fed then bowl fed puppy formula for two weeks. They are now on dry puppy food alone. They have all had first vaccinations. They are comfortable being handled, bathed, pet, played with. They are well socialized with other dogs and people. They have never seen a cat or bird though. The pups love playing outside, However, they have been raised as indoor pets. These pups are all energetic, playful, and very intelligent. Our female was a runt. She is meek, ultra loving ❤️ and calm. Then she surprised us. A male sibling that had been adopted came back for a play date. She came alive and played with her brother very aggressively. Hair line from top of her head to tip of her tail stood straight up. Growling ensued playfully while playing tug. 1 male is very sweet. He loves to have his belly rubbed and being held. He's content following me around as I clean up poop and mop. He just wants to be around people. The 2nd male is spirited and curious. He was our Houdini pup, always escaping from the pen. We are not breeders! Our Momma dog is being spayed 01/31/xx23. We felt she should have 1 litter of pups first. We are just a family that love ❤️ all animals in general, Pit Bull breeds specifically. The pups are available for viewing with a scheduled appointment. We'd love to have potential owners come visit and play with the pups. As you view puppies we will be viewing you. I insist that these pups only go to kind and loving people who are going to commit to their care for a lifetime and treat them as a loved and cherished family member. If you are a mass breeder, into dog fighting, or have intentions other than family pet ownership/companionship/Service animal ownership, please do not contact us.View Detail
Handsome Blue Nose American Terrier Pit bull Puppies
Hi there :) we are looking for someone to come make us their new best friend. We are 5 weeks old and all boys. Please contact Hayley xxx-xxx-xxxx Or Josh xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
2 beautiful pitbull puppies
i have 2 beautiful pitbull puppies 2 b0ys and there ready f0r there f0rever h0me please call 0r text me with m0re inf0 thank y0u x x x -x x x - x x x xView Detail
Bella needs new home
She’s blank and white very oplayful loves other people and childrenView Detail
Bluepit 1 year old for sale
Shiner turned 1 on January 6th. He loves attention. He has a funny way of communicating with others. He loves to go for car rides. He loves playing with kids but doesnt realize how heavy he is when he Email:xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail
4 month old playful beautiful red nose
Loving beautiful puppy needs a home. Condo association won't allow us to keep him unless we are owners. Please contact me or my girlfriend (xxx) xxx-xxx3 (xxx)xxx-xxxxView Detail