Recently Adopted American Pit Bull Terrier Puppies Near Loudoun County
10 week old puppies
10 week old puppies! 5 boys and 3 girls. All of them have had their first round of shots and I can provide paperwork for each one. Mom is a pure bred blue nose pit bull and dad is a hound mix. Puppies are extremely loving and playful. Best suited for someone with space and outdoor space for lots of play!!View Detail
American Pit Bull Terrier
We are proud to introduce our lovely litter of 6 beautiful American Pit Bull Terrier puppies, we have 4 girls (2 red and 2 black & tan) and 2 red boys available to loving forever homes, puppies have been vaccinated and microchipped and are up to date with flea and worm treatment, please call or text for further information, Many thanks.View Detail
AKC American Pit Bull Terrier puppies available
Males and females AKC American Pit Bull Terrier puppies available. Do not settle yourself for anything else than a Top Quality well socialized Dogs. Our puppies have great temperament with kids. I am looking for a lovely and caring home for my babies, where they can be loved and cared for. Serious buyers should only. Text or Call me at (xxx) xxx-xxx7 for more info. Shipping fee is includedView Detail
American Pit Bull Terrier Puppies. Text (xxx) xxx-xxx7
American Pit Bull Terrier Puppies Searching For Good Homes.. All my babies has personalities plus. They will make adorable little friends for any family, They has the sweetest personality and very playful. They are AKC Registered puppies. They are also current on all vaccinations and deworming program, they will have a final vet exam and get health certificate prior to shipping. We also have a1 year health guarantee on genetics. All of our Babies come with microchip for their protection. We will register them and the microchip for you with AKC Puppy Protection Package and provide membership to Good Dog training. Serious buyers should only Text ME at (901) xxx-xxxx. for more recent pics and more info..Free Shipping is Included.View Detail