Recently Adopted American Bulldog Puppies Near Monticello
Colby red nose puppies for sale
7 week old beautiful red and brendel male and female. Shots vet wormed and healthy. 2 brendel females and 1 male.2 red and white chested males and1 fond colored female.View Detail
Colby red nose pit bulldog puppies
Hi. I have 3 males and 3 females that are now 71/2 weeks old. They all have unique personalities, playful and healthy. They are house broken, well one is just a bit lazy and quit quit There are very happy and friendly to new guess and other pets.All shots vet wormed and raised in side. I have 2 red nose twin red white chest and stocking feet, one blue eyed and 1 beautiful green eyed. 1 fond colored dark eyed female. 1 honey tiger striped big brendel male and 2 blue striped female. ( one owner dogs kind and friendly,but will show strong agression to protect its owner.View Detail