Recently Adopted Alaskan Klee Kai Puppies Near Santa Clara County
Alaskan Klee Kai pets Male and female
we have 1 females and males nxw available and they are 1x weeks xld and 1x weeks. they have very gxxd temperament and are up tx date xn all their shxts and papers. please precise ( alaskan klee kai ) and be permitted tx read the num/ber belxw very well and cxpy dxwn tx cxntact us faster by text. (x)//(x)//(x) , (x)//(x)//(x) , (x)//(x)//(x)//(x) address num/ber given abxve read each letter.View Detail
Cute Alaskan Klee Kai Babies .
Cute Alaskan Klee Kai Babies .Russ is a sweet little cutie from a litter of four puppies. He is dark silver and white with a thick, plush coat and a white blaze on his forehead. Russ is a bit more shy than the other puppies and not such a fan of the camera. He is unregistered and therefore required to be neutered at 6-8 months of age. Russ will be a miniature sized companion that will be a lovely addition to your family!please contact me via email or you can text me your email address for more details and some lovely pictures at (xxxxxxxxxxx (@) xxxxx.xx m) (xxx) xxxxxx4View Detail