These babies are AKC registered, age-appropriate vaccines, dewormed, started on puppy pad..
Apri registered with papers and full breeding rights included
Dew claws removed and tai..
Both are males. 1 is black/tan. The other is tri color. They have tails docked and have h..
Super cute Yorkies. There are 4 males and 1 female. Born april 25 2024. Chocolate male, c..
Both are males. 1 is black/tan. The other is tri color. They have tails docked and have h..
I have 4 male Yorkshire terrier puppies for sale 1 is the traditional color 2 are spotted..
4 male and 1 female Yorkie pup looking for a loving family to call their home. Born on No..
1 year old Yorkshire terrier , very playful very clingy. He loves outside & nature he..
Just make your Christmas present from the heart! Beautiful rare chocolate and traditional..
We bought 2 Yorkies for our daughter the mom gave birth to 4 puppies my lady wants to fin..
Yorkies have a beautiful, fine, and straight coat that can be a mix of tan and blue. Thei..
3 AKC 8 week old puppies are ready for their forever home. They have had their 1st shots,..