We expect new litter AKC register puppies born before winter.Parents small size father 3 lb mother 3,5 lb.They Excellent Toy lap dogs! Sweet purse babies!Please research about the breed, they are hypoallergenic, amazingly smart, brave and beautiful puppies. Loves to be with you! They Sweet kisses! Does not bark much at all! Parents Super sweet temperament! They loves people! Well socialized,gentle with children,good with cats,and loves other dog.This is a wonderful dogs! Puppies come with current vaccinations and deworming,tail docket.This parents AKC register. They going home with first shots,deworming,health certificate.We do shipping puppies any state,price for shipping start from $250 and up depends what state puppy ship.Owner pay for shipping. Price for puppy limited AKC $3500 full registration $4000 Deposit for hold puppy $500 Contact if you have more questions xxx-xxx-xxxx or xxx-xxx-xxxx Visit Website xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx