Petitie is a sweet little boy. He is registered and very healthy. Looking for the perfect..
3 beautiful male yorkie pups left for rehoming. Please message me if interested..
Akc registered with papers and full breeding rights included
Dew claws removed and tail..
1 female and 2 males. Purbred parents onsite. Traditional tan and black, mom is part colo..
Hi! I am selling my 10week old UKC registered Yorkshire Terrier puppy. He weighs about 3 ..
Her name is Kash. She is tan (black&brown). She is one and a half. Her birthday is De..
I have a Chocolate merle male and a chocolate merle female $4000 and a Traditional male $..
8 months old, sweet male puppy, has all his vaccinations, most recent wellness exam was p..
Akc registered with papers and full breeding rights included
Dew claws removed and tail..
calm and loving puppy. She just loves to lie on your lap and be loved. After a long day o..
She is just the most beautiful pup with her dark eyes and sweet personality! Sadie alread..
Male and female Home raised yorkie puppies for rehoming xxx-xxx-xxxx...
17 week old Yorkie puppy, so adorable and very active. Full of life and super active, hes..
We have 1 Black/Tan male &1 Parti Yorkie male available. The Black/Tan Yorkie will li..
Super sweet and cuddly male yorkie. 1 year old. Not fixed. No papers. GREAT with children..
Parti yorkie 8 weeks old - white/black and tan colour. ALC registered and fecal tested. S..
I have 6 full blooded yorkies 3 boys 3 girls they will be ready for their new homes Augus..
16 week old Yorkie/Cocker Spaniel. Potty trained and puppy pad trained. Loves kids and ca..
Beautiful parti Yorkies for sale. Prefect for Christmas, they will be ready for pick up t..
Introducing my beautiful litters of Isabella Yorkshire Terrier puppies. Puppies are 8 wee..
He’s two years old has his shots he’s a service dog great dog needs a lot of attentio..
3YR OLD MALE YORKIE - POODIE | Requires little attention & is very self-sufficient. S..
(100% Purebred). Nice and Healthy! Vet checked, current on shots/wormings and micro chipp..
I'm an adorable Yorkie puppy, and I'm wagging my tiny tail with excitement, hoping you..
7 months Yorkie female. Very friendly. love kids. Hypoallergenic
Has all shots.
1 sma..
Well Socialized Yorkshire Terrier puppies left 2 boys and 3 girls from a litter of 6. The..
I have 4 females &3 males ready for Rehoming, all come with shots & papers.. can ..
6 month old male Yorkie, very playful and loving. Great with kids...
Selling a boy fullbred mini yorkshire terrier. He’s 7 weeks. dewclaws removed, tails do..
Adorable Yorkshire Terrier male
Will mature at about 4.5 to 5lb
Multi champion bloo..
Have female yorkies puppies . They are all females will be ready after Christmas..will ha..
Meet Jimmy he will be 8 weeks old on Sunday. He is UTD on shots and deworming. He loves t..