Hello I have 2 females and 2 males available and ready for their new homes. Tails docked ..
Akc registered with papers and full breeding rights included
Dew claws removed and tail..
Beautiful yorkies puppies for sale born October 18th two girls and one boy And from the s..
Apri registered with papers and full breeding rights included
Dew claws removed and tai..
I have a litter of 7. 4 boys. 3 girls . T-cup and Miniture and Standard.They have been tr..
Adorable little pups mum is full Yorkshire terrier Dad is a True Biewer Terrier full pedi..
I have 1 boy Yorkshire Terrier puppy looking for a neq loving home. Mother and father can..
Beautiful yorkies puppies for sale born October 18th two girls and one boy And from the s..
Originally the Yorkie was bred for the purpose of catching rats in mines. They were also ..
Adorable male and female yorkshire terrier call or text via xxx-xxx-xxxx..
we got both male and female they are potty trained call or text via xxx-xxx-xxxx..
Yorkshire Terriers should be 8 to 9 inches at the shoulder and weigh no more than seven p..
Docked dewclawed will have first shots raised with kids big dogs and cats super sweet bab..
Absolutely adorable small loving and smart Tea Cup Yorkie puppies. Great pedigrees, beaut..
Spirited Yorkie pups, traditionally family raised with 3 children. Pretty faces, bright e..
They are purebred Yorkie who are expected to be about 5 pounds when full grown. they have..
charming Yorkshire Terrier puppies .. text/call (xxx) xxx-xxx3 for more details.
Lucky he is 12 weeks old AKC registration. He’s very smart, friendly , cute lovely good..
Admirable Yorkshire Terrier.
Yorkshire Terrier puppies............. Very healthy, vaccin..
Valentine Yorkshire Terrier puppies for you ............. Very healthy and vaccinated....
Hello,we are happy to announce that male and female are still available.They are 12 weeks..
adorable male and female teacup yorkies ready for adoption.the all have AKC registration,..
Labradoodle and Goldendoodle puppies.
12 weeks old
Family friendly
Potty pad and kenn..
These little babies have had current vaccination,vet check,health certificate and 1 year ..
Male and Female Yorkshire Terrier puppies This little guy is so sweet and most of the tim..
Evocative Teacup Yorkshire Terrier Puppies .These sweet babies needs a forever home. They..
Cute Baby Face Akc Registered Yorkshire Puppies Ready. Our cute puppies are looking for a..
Hi, the reason I can’t keep her because my apartment don’t allow pets anymore :/
I took in a pregnant stray. I didn't get her to the vet in time, and she had six puppies...
1female cream small
1male cream big rope
Mom is a platinum
Dad a Merle big rope
5 puppies, solid and merle colors. Champion gparents, state and national. Many will have ..