Akc registered with papers and full breeding rights included
Dew claws removed and tail..
Apri registered with papers and full breeding rights included
Dew claws removed and tai..
I am selling Mini American Shepard puppies. They were born on October 22nd and their eyes..
Boba and Shades had a liter. 4 boys, 2 girls. Ranging from $3k-$6k. All colors seen in pi..
Affectionate male and female Teacup Yorkie puppies for Adoption these puppies are vet che..
Male and female registered teacup yorkie puppies up for a good home. They are brother and..
These beautiful, petite Yorkie puppies are non-shedding and have
lovable personalities! ..
Nice baby face Yorkie Puppies they are 12 weeks old, Yorkie puppies to give it out for ad..
I am selling Mini American Shepard puppies. They were born on October 22nd and their eyes..
Two adorable 10 week old puppies Morkie and Yorkie looking for good and loving homes.This..
Yorkie puppies Males and Females 11 weeks old, both parents are on site, 1st set of shots..
Purebred tiny teacup Yorkie puppies. Have you been thinking about a new puppy for yoursel..
Contact me at: +1 xxxxxxxxxx. When you contact, don't forget to mention that you found t..
Beautiful female Dogo Argentino 6 months old. Loving, loyal, and medically cleared...
Contact me at: +1 xxxxxxxxxx. When you contact, don't forget to mention that you found th..
Yorkie for adoption. He is very small at 12 weeks only weighing 1.4 pounds. He has a lot ..
Yorkie puppies Males and Females
11 weeks old, both parents are on site, 1st set of shot..
Excellent Yorkie Puppies Available for new looking home..
Call xxx xxx xxx2 for more information. Located in xxxx. Best basenjis around...
One little male and one female Yorkie left, black and tan. Come with paperwork and free i..
Adorable Yorkie Puppies For Adoption i have nice baby face Yorkie Puppies For Adoption..
njkdkmdnmd Beautiful yorkie puppies, 2 puppies and we have 1 male and 1
female puppy rea..
* 12 Weeks old male and female Yorkie Puppy
* Has all shot
* Completely house broken
Very sweet male brindle. Call xxx xxx xxx2 for more info..
Gorgeous Tiny Yorkie Puppies For Adoption. Very Playful and friendly.
Home breed and we..
Gorgeous purebred Yorkie pups available! 3 females and 1 male. Had their 1st shots and de..
Gorgeous Teacup Yorkie Puppies with luxury items for tiny breeds. super tiny breeds 12 we..
Purebred Tiny Yorkie Puppies(xxx) xxx-xxx8
Two adorable 10 week old puppies Morkie and Y..
We have the best basenjis out there. I have three different bloodlines. I've had to send ..
Shipping is $650 please call xxx-xxx-xxxx for more information. We have the best basenjis..
Looking for a loyal, playful, and loving companion? Meet Bodee, a 10-month-old direct imp..