Hunny is a5 lb Yorkie/Shitzu.She will be 4 months old on October 5,2022.Hunny is lovable and friendly but most of all intelligent and eager to please.Because she is so tiny,a household with toddlers is not recommended due to her frailty.Hunny has not started to socialize with other pets or people due to her not having her final booster(she is up to date on her boosters)she has one final appointment before she’s given the “ok” by her vet to be able to go outside.She is completely pad trained.Her price includes 2 crates(black & pink)bedding,a gate,proof of shots,toys,clothes,food & treats.If interested,please call(xxx)xxx-xxxx leave a message for Dee or James and someone will be in touch within 24 hrs.Thank you!