Hi neighbors, My name is Tracy and I’m currently a dog owner of a precious loving little 1.5 year old healthy male Yorkiepoo that only weighs 10lbs. My puppy is extremely kind, playful, well behaved, and potty trained. He’s extremely friendly and gets along with all people and enjoys playing with other dogs no matter the breed or size. I’ve had my puppy since he was a couple weeks old. Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances with my health, I’ve decided it’s best for me to rehome him immediately. If you’re interested in adopting him and would like to know more about him please feel free to email me immediately with any questions you may have. I am open to communicating with those that are seriously interested to adopt immediately. I will provide you with his cage, bed, blanket, food, and toys. I do have rehoming requirements. He’s only available for pickup in Charlotte North Carolina. I can be reached at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xxx Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you. Best, Tracy