11 weeks old 2 boys 2 girls, they have first shots and wormed! Totally Hypoallergenic (No..
AKC registered 3 month old puppies. They are smart, sweet, affectionate, and loyal. They ..
Here is Jimmy. He is UTD on shots and deworming. Located in xxxx. He would love to call y..
Hi, Puppies are $2500 Price includes ear crop and tail dock, ICCF breeding rights, puppy ..
Born xx-xx-xxxx. He has shiny wavy black hair with a little white on his chest. He is up ..
I’m looking for a little girl poodle or Yorkiepoo...
Very sweet loving baby girl all shots 7 weeks old ready for her new home..
two males and one female yorkiepoo born November 19th and up to date on shots and deworme..
Here is Jimmy. He is UTD on shots and deworming. Located in xxxx. He would love to call y..
I’m looking for a yorkie puppy that is $300 or less.I live near Murray Kentucky. I am w..
She is ready
when she turns 8 weeks old on June 1st..she will
be about 4-5 pounds grown..
Adorable teacup Female Yorkie puppy available to a good and caring home. She is very ador..
Cute Akc Teacup Yorkie Puppies!
Adorable, lovable, and playful little Yorkie! These Akc ..
Three, 5 month old Female Frenchies and one 4 month old Female Frenchie looking for forev..
Adorable tiny yorkie puppies with teddy bear faces (full breed) These little cuties look ..
Very Playful and friendly. Home breed and well socialized. Comes with AKC Registration, P..
Two adorable 10 week old puppies Yorkie looking for good and loving homes.This is a great..
5 Pure Breed 100% Parti Color Toy Yorkies puppies adorable 2 females and 2 males, with re..
Fve one svn five one eight four six six nine
Riley is a1 year old dog. Has grown up in..
He is ready for his new home. He is
CKC registered and should mature around 6-7 lbs.
We have been raising puppies
for over 30 years, and we only trust our babies to
their n..
Grady is AKC registered.
He will be 12 weeks old & eating Very well on his
own 6/18..
Super adorable Teacup Maltese Puppies. So gentle and affectionate. I have one male and on..
The Beautiful Blue puppies were born on November 28th and will be ready to go to their fo..
Adorable outstanding Yorkies puppies
Adorable outstanding Yorkies puppies ready for thei..
He's current with his vaccines and deworming. He
comes with his registration papers. He'..
Look at this little female Yorkie. She is ready
when she turns 8 weeks old on June 1st....
Grady is from a litter of 5 gorgeous babies his
parents are Deb.. Grady is AKC registere..
We have two Shepherd puppies left one male and one female. Our puppies are pure bred AKC ..
Boba and Shades had a liter. 4 boys, 2 girls. Ranging from $3k-$6k. All colors seen in pi..
I have two litters available that were born just within a couple of days of each other. L..
These babies are AKC registered, age-appropriate vaccines, dewormed, started on puppy pad..