x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x. Cell. All puppies will be ready to go to their forever home at 8 weeks of age they will have been wormed 4times ,5 way shots ar 8 weeks old ,dew claws removed and completely weaned from their mother. Parents are both short hair wet mouth on-site with the puppies grandparents are on site as well. Puppies are raised with people and children and babies at birth in the country setting. Father of puppy short-haired 175 pounds lean machine , stands at 5ft 10in. . Mother short hair weighs 155 , stamds at 5 ft 6in . Very big . No fat !! Available puppies one male short hair 7 females variety of short hair and some have long hair. $600.00 Located in Milan Indiana xxx xxx xxx0