Payment plan available! These playful Sphynx brothers areSOLD ... However a new kitten is available for deposit to hold and contract. He is the only kitten in the litter. He will be ready in 8 weeks! He is climbing and investigating his surroundings and playing with his big sis and brother Encino man. He will be spoiled but ready for adventure May 15 2020 They are a miniture line so they won't be getting alot bigger than 7 or 8 lbs. Their dad looks like the pit bull of Sphynx and when he flexes his muscles Arnold Schwartzniger cringes with jealousy! Lol. His name is Uncle Fester. He is CFA registered and Gypsy is TICA registered. They come with vet health check, shots, deworming. If cat becomes sick due to genetics a replacement will be made. This line has shown to be healthy with my breeder having no history of hcm. I can deliver to some locations, meet half way or buyer come and pick up. I prefer not to ship as I have heard horror stories and these boys stole my heart from day 1...More photos available upon request. CURRENTLY IN LAS VEGAS! I will consider a payment plan for the right new owner! Also taking deposit and payment plan for 4 week old male kitten. Ask for pictures. Website comming soon!xxx- five6five-0 nineninethree