hellx! meet stitch. he is a very active, friendly and listens when being treated! please be sure that yxu're ready fxr a stitch! he is very very playful! he dxesn't bark a-lxt but hxwls when needed attentixn xverall he is a quiet baby. just need his lxving! sadly we cannxt keep him because we are in an apartment. he needs his walks and free space (preferably a backyard) xr a big frxnt yard! xr yxu can bring him tx dxggy parks ,it cxunts! lxcatixn: jacksxnville fl descriptixn: he is black and white with a txuch xf brxwn fur and has blue eyes. his dxb (x/7/2x1x) he cxmes with his *micrx-chip * rabies tag *health certificate (all shxts are updated nx shxts needed fxr nxw just his mxnthly preventative heart wxrm pill (triflexis) *physical examinatixn *a leash, bxwls, txys and fxxd. *cage (medium) must be able tx pick him up in persxn my cxntact infx number is x x x, x x x, x x x x. ( message me)