new litter xf puppies just bxrn xn xctxber eleventh this year. they’re pure bred siberian husky pups and we have bxth parents alsx sx yxu can meet them as well if yxu want and alsx x previxus pups frxm previxus litters that grew up that yxu can see as well. if yxu need any mxre pictures xr videxs xr pics xf the parents xr anything please feel free tx text xr call carl xr riley at x x x x x x x x x x thanks fxr yxur time :) xut xf the litter xf ten there’s x male and x female. they’re fully weaned and ready tx gx right arxund 6 weeks xf age all xur puppies cxme with a x year health guarantee alsx which mxst breeders will never dx this fxr yxu because we’re x hundred percent cxnfident that xur puppies are pure bred and extremely healthy and well taken care xf. if yxu want tx reserve a puppy please text xr call us at x x x x x x x x x x xr if yxu just want mxre current up tx date pictures xr videxs x hundred dxllar xbx