Offering my beautiful well bred boy Thor at stud, who is Santosha sired also owned by ourselves. Him and and his father both doing extremely well in the show ring, hoping that Thor will follow in his fathers foot steps with his dad winning a.... Offering my beautiful well bred boy Thor at stud, who is Santosha sired also owned by ourselves. Him and and his father both doing extremely well in the show ring, hoping that Thor will follow in his fathers foot steps with his dad winning a.... Offering my beautiful well bred boy Thor at stud, who is Santosha sired also owned by ourselves. Him and and his father both doing extremely well in the show ring, hoping that Thor will follow in his fathers foot steps with his dad winning a.... Offering my beautiful well bred boy Thor at stud, who is Santosha sired also owned by ourselves. Him and and his father both doing extremely well in the show ring, hoping that Thor will follow in his fathers foot steps with his dad winning a....