have 3 puppies left that are ready for their new homes. I took them in as rescues at 3 weeks old. They were given formula at first, transitioned to wet food and now we're full on with hard puppy food. They're eating the 4 health brand from tractor supply. They're terrier Shihtzu mixes and 8 weeks old. They'll be ready to go tomorrow March 23rd. They've been to the vet and have been treated for worms and they tested positive for coccidia. They're on medicine for that and their last dose is tomorrow. They got their 8 week puppy shots as well, I have a paper for you to take to your vet for that. They are working on potty pad training and doing pretty good with that. They get scared outside but they're pretty small so they just want to be loved on right now. The largest boy Bernie was 5.8 pounds, Boy little bear was 4.6 pounds and the Girl Molly was 4.7 pounds. They are inside dogs, that are very loved on. They get held and kisses and snuggles so if you don't want a clingy affectionate puppy, these aren't for you. Pm me with any questions or for the rehoming fee. Located near Lowe's in Milton.