Looking for a loyal, playful, and loving companion? Meet Bodee, a 10-month-old direct imp..
Mother and father both beautiful golden doodles, onsite.
4 black puppies (3 male, 1 fema..
We have 5 large purebred German Shepherd working line Pups left, a few rare black & b..
Boston Terrier/English Bulldog Puppies. Will be ready Feb 2, 2025. 4 males and 1 female a..
7 weeks old have shots tail done ready to go to new home..
7weeks old, have shots, dewormed, ready to go.have 3 females, and 2 male's left xxx-xxx-x..
I have 5 puppies 3 are female 2 are males this is her first litter n possibly only one as..
8 weeks old. Vaccinated with shots record. Both parents AKC registered, tails docked fema..
We have 5 large purebred German Shepherd working line Pups left, a few rare black & b..
we have a male and female Rottweiler Puppies seeking for their new homes and they are now..
10 week old rottweiler/German shepherd mix. Very energetic, happy affectionate puppy. Vac..
Diamond is family puppy she loves to play. She has all her shots potty trained...
8 week puppies Mother is full rottweiler and father is full pitbull. Have 1st set of shot..
We have a litter of Nine beautiful
Standard poodle puppies born on
November 5th 2024. W..
Akc papers. Up to date on shots. Not spayed. Female almost 8 months old. Beautiful and lo..
Our puppies has great personalities loves to romp and play! They are well socialized, AKC..
Beautiful male 14 mo old .akc champion bloodlines.some training. Does not do well with ot..
I have a 14 mo old that came from one of my litters. The man that bought him became disab..
I have 5 Boston terrier, with some Frenchie puppies. There all black white and Brindle. L..
Hi I have a loving 9 week old female puppy. Looking for a good home her shots or up to da..
Rottweiler/German Shepard puppies 7weeks old.1st shots. Playful and smart. ready for a go..
Name lia 10 weeks female rotweiller AKC PAPERS around 12 pounds all vaccines up to date, ..
Pure bred German Rottweiler puppy that was born on November 11th, 2021. He just received ..
Ready To Go To A Loving Home Oct 18th :)They Are Healthy & Such Happy Puppies Mom Got..
Rottweiler puppies available. 3 females and 2 males left. $900 OBO...
Sire: Vito Vom Beni, grandson from World CH Doctor Timit Tor
Dam: Bekana CRNA Cizmica, s..
Two month old female German Rottweiler puppy healthy and happy puppy looking to re-home. ..
Tails Docked
Dew claws
Akc registered with papers and full breeding rights included
Dew claws removed and tail..
Beautiful Tiny, Red Malti-poo puppy. BBB Accredited Breeder with A+ Rating for over 12 ye..
Beautiful female Dogo Argentino 6 months old. Loving, loyal, and medically cleared...
2 males are available. At xxxx, we are dedicated to raising exceptional poodles that brin..