Beautiful female pug puppy. These babies have Captain Jack & Eastonite champions in their pedigree. Ruby is our pet & her litter was self whelped. These stunning fur babies will be kc registered, come with 5 generations kc papers, microchipped, 1st injection, flea'd & wormed to date, they will be fully weaned & started toilet training, 5 weeks free insurance & all puppies will come with a generous puppy pack consisting of a blanket with mum & siblings scent, a pkt of wipes, an anti choking feeding platter, a toy, an adjustable harness & lead, a pkt of puppy treats, a6 tin pack of pedigree puppy meat &a pkt of pedigree puppy mix. They are being raised in our family home around children. Only 1 black girl available from litter of 5. She is £1200. Ready for their forever homes 26/10/17.