Jax is smart, affectionate and loves to cuddle. He is half poodle half half chihuahua, unfixed male and weighs 8lbs. I work a lot and dont have much time for him anymore. I also recently started dating for the first time since I got him and he is extremely jealous of my boyfriend and has become very possessive of me. He deserves a home where he can get lots of love, time & attention. He is up to date on all his shots and I will also give you his new cage with a handle, pet bed, blanket, feeding dish, leash and dog travel bag to match, starter food and toys. He is house trained and knows what a puppy pad is used for in case of emergencies. He knows all the common commands as well as 'high five'. You can teach him any trick in 5 minutes, he is extremely smart. I suggest a home with a male present vs a single female that lives alone. I am located in Raleigh NC.