Triton was born 2/23/17 and will be ready to go home on 4/20/17. He is a red and white Pomeranian/Siberian Husky cross. His mom is a 39 pound AKC Siberian Husky and dad is a 11 pound Pomeranian. He is expected to get around 15-20 pounds full grown. He will go home with a Florida Health Certificate, already microchipped, first month of flea protection, a two year health guarantee for hereditary or congenital diseases, a chew guaranteed leash and collar, a 5lb bag of puppy food, a toy, a chew, a bag of treats, a blanket that smells like mom, and a puppy folder. I update pictures every week as Triton grows, please check out my Facebook page xxxx or contact me (xxx-xxx-xxxx)with any questions.