We have 6 adorable, healthy Pembroke Welsh Corgis puppies. There are 3 males and 3 females. 2 males are black, white, with brown markings. 1 male is red and white. 2 females are red and white and 1 female that is black, white, with brown markings, just like their mother. All puppies got their tail dock. Both parents are up to date with their shots and are indoor dogs. The puppies will be up to date with vaccination and de wormings before they go. Puppies will be ready to go on March 27 but can be reserved now with a $250 deposit. If you would like to reserve your puppy now, or have any questions, you can call or text me at (xxx)xxx-xxxx. The puppies in this litter are from AKC Registered parents and can also be registered with the AKC. Make sure to do research on this breed, and how it might fit your lifestyle before finding a responsible breeder with available puppies.