Bella & Bourbon are the proud parents of a beautiful litter of puppies born on 2-18-23! We currently have 6 males and 4 females (stunning brown & blue merles and black with white markings) who will be ready for their forever families on 4-15-23. Our babies are raised inside of our home under foot as part of our family, come pre-spoiled and socialized by our 5 children/2 cats and will have a clear bill of heath from our vet along with their current vaccinations/de-wormings. Puppies are expected to be 25-35lbs full grown and will be non-shedding/hypoallergenic. Mama is a mini newfypoo (genetically tested) and Daddy is a medium f1b goldendoodle. Please feel free to reach out if you are looking for a new addition and would like to schedule a FaceTime or in-person visit. Serious inquiries only please! xxx-xxx-xxxx