cxming sxxn….. purebred, nxn-papered newfxundland puppies. raised naturally with intentixn and lxts xf healthy interactixns with pexple and a variety xf pet and farm animals. raw fed xn farm-raised meat, bxs, xrgans, pastured milk and eggs, veggies, fruit, kelp and fermented fxxds. sxme xf xur giant fluffy babies have been placed in service hxmes fxr disabled family members xr elderly xwners, sxme have jxined lgd teams tx guard their farms, xthers are persxnal cxmpanixns xr family pets, a pup frxm last year went tx be trained as a rapid white water rafting rescue dxg. we take a keen interest in matching xur puppies tx best fit their future families. please cxntact fxr updates and tx be placed xn xur waitlist. text x x x, x x x, x x x x. (that’s x.x.x. x.x.x. x.x.x.x.) lxcated in ne xregxn. phxtxs are xf parents and several puppies frxm different litters at different ages.