we have x ad0rable newf0undland/great pyrenees mix puppies l00king f0r new h0mes. they were b0rn january xth and will be ready t0 g0 march xnd. m0m is a full newf0undland and dad is a full great pyrenees. they are 0ur family d0gs and are 0n site. there are 4 female pups, sh0wn with b0ws in the ph0t0s, and x male pups, sh0wn with bandannas. the puppies will be dew0rmed and have xst sh0ts. they are being raised with 0ther d0gs, cats, chickens, kids and l0ts 0f l0ve. they will be w0nderful family d0gs and will be large d0gs, likely 80 t0 x00 p0unds 0r m0re. x x x x x x x x x x update: the black male is n0 l0nger available, the green b0w girl is n0 l0nger available