We have 8 Gladiator Dane Puppies (Great Dane/English Mastiff). 4 males and 4 females born on June 5th. 1 fawn male, 3 black males, 1 brindle female, 1 fawn female, 2 black females Puppies come from a loving home where both parents are on site. These will be X-large dogs and will need to be trained and socialized at a young age. Mom is 100 lbs and Dad is over 200 lbs. The breed is smart, loyal, protective and loving. They have also been known to "talk" to their people. They love to cuddle on the couch with the family and become very attached to their people. Puppies pictured are 2 weeks old. Our puppies will be vaccinated, wormed and nails clipped at 6 weeks old. They will be available for their forever homes on July 25th. We are located in Blackfoot, ID. Local pick up only and will not ship. Contact Casey at xxx-xxx-xxxx