This super sweet boy is Charlie. Charlie was born on August 19th. He will be ready for his forever home on October 14th. He comes from a litter of 6 puppies His tail has been docked and dewclaws removed. Charlie’s mom is salt and pepper and his dad is a solid white. Both weigh about 18-20 pounds and both are registered. Charlie’s parents are my family’s pet. The parents have very loving personalities. They both love playing fetch and know lots of tricks. Charlie is also a happy little guy who loves to play with his toys and 6 puppy siblings. He also enjoys being held and be cuddled with. Charlie is being treated for worms- and treatment will be completed by 8 weeks. He will also be up to date on his vaccine and will have a complete vet check by 8 weeks old. Charlie has started being house trained- and he is doing very well. I take all the puppies outside at least 3 times a day. They all love to be outside and enjoy running, exploring and playing with each other. Charlie has a lot to offer. He loves giving puppy kisses and is very playful and happy.. Charlie would love to be apart of your family. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you