Louie is a min bull dog he is 5 years old and weighs 40 lb. He is super cuddly. If you are looking for a best friend look no further you have found him. He is fixed and up to date on all his shots. He loves to go for walks and play with his toys but if you want to lay in bed all day and watch your favorite show he will cuddle you all day. He knows lay down,sit,roll over,and shake. He needs to be the ONLY dog in the house. He just gets grumpy and snippy at them. He needs to be in a house with older kids because he does not like to be picked up and can be grumpy about his face being touched at times. He is fully potty trained and only chews on his chew toys. He also loves to give kisses. He does great in car rides he absolutely loves them! He is very good at taking baths to even if he hates water. Textedme at xxx xxx xxx4