While Legend Lynx have long fur without much of an undercoat like Siberians, many people mistake my Seal Point males for Ragdolls in looks. In actuality, their body build is more like Maine Coons, which their share more DNA with, than any other breed. Kittens may be extremely fluffy like Persians, but their facial features will be distinctly different. The markings of some of the best of the Marbles, may be likened to Bengals. Snows or Cream Points are very beautiful and often remain completely white for a long time. Their eyes are a gorgeous medium blue. The Lynx Points normally remain very light with darker markings on their face and legs. There are two colors of Seal Points. One has dark points, but the body remains light cream. The other has a darker body and continues to get darker as they age. All have gorgeous blue eyes. These are wonderful cats with dog like personalities. Most come when called and follow you around and love cuddling and sitting on owners lap. Most have medium to long hair. Some are polydactyl with various toe formations. I am in Crescent City Florida. Female cats tend to be protective of their owners. Most of the females used in breeding are Maine Coon and Angora. The features of Sheba, a first generation female will remind one of a Caracal, which is in the Lynx family along with Bobcats. Mobile Office: (xxx) xxx-xxx7