To prospective buyer, my family and I are having to move and when our Alice got pregnant we chose to let her have her litter. We have more kitties then we can safely look after. We've been able to get a good home for one of her new babies. However we need homes for three kitties. The first is Sheri, she's quite the cuddler especially at night. She loves high places and will hunt bugs, mice and fingers. However she's very scared around my son who is under 2 years. We love her deeply but can't find a good place for her to feel safe around our child. For this reason we need to get this beautiful russian blue maine coon, gal a new home. Please understand that she will sleep near our son when he is sleeping but otherwise when he's excited she runs and hides. Also we have not gotten her fixed because we originally were planning on having a generational tree with her she her markings are so similar to her mother's. Next we have Yin who is only 2.3 months old. She was the only girl from Alice's unexpected pregnancy earlier this year. Yin is very calm and is a dark brown and white kitty with a white trail up her nose and a heart on her back right paw. She is a quick climber and loves to pounce on your toes and face when you lay down. Her favorite place to nap in on someone, hip, chest or even neck. She's eating dry and wet food and though she's not fully box trained she is learning that quickly too. We also have Louie, he is a dark brown and white kitty. He's very playful and is not afraid to take on bigger opponents. He has tried to play with dogs and thus think he'd be happy in a home with other animals including cat friendly dogs. He is also 2.3 months old and both Yin and he haven't been fixed yet. Sadly that choice is more due to us waiting for the tax return and choosing diapers and wipes over a lot of things. We have plenty of dry food and have started the weening all the young kittens off momma and we have only one silly request. Do not declaw the kitties. We have plenty of cat friendly scratching and thus have not had trouble with clawing furniture. We have noticed that if you smell of dog Louie will gravitate towards you and often play with or sleep on you. Feel free to text me for more informationn about them: xxx) two zero 8-98three0. Please no scammers.