Pedigree Labrador retriever puppies are now available for their new loving family homes. Puppies are now 11 weeks old , boys and girls available. Being brought up in a family home those puppies are used to the sights and sounds of a very busy house hold. Puppies have been handled on a regular basis by my young children. Each puppy has been on a3 day course of panicur puppy worming treatment every 2 weeks since birth as well as being flea treated with front line. They have passed a full health examination by the vet and have also received their first vaccination and microchipped .Puppies parents are pedigree registered. Each puppy will leave with their vaccination card , food sample , full copies of both parents pedigree certificates and as much Help and after care advice if needed to arrange a viewing or for more inquires please contact me by call or txt (xxx) xxx-xxx0